Camera Traps

Camera traps are one of the most important tools for conservation efforts in Africa!

Camera Traps: Unveiling the Secrets of the Kalahari

Camera Traps: Essential Ecological Management Tool

Camera traps are our eyes in the wilderness offering us glimpses into the unseen Kalahari. Strategically placed, they tirelessly watch for the secret lives of the Kalahari’s iconic predators – elusive leopards, spotted wild dogs, mighty lions – and so much more. They capture vital data on elusive wildlife, day, and night, they are the key to understanding this vast and complex ecosystem, and to protecting its extraordinary inhabitants through extensive data collection, and as an anti-poaching deterrent. Join us and become part of this exciting conservation research, helping us unlock the Kalahari’s mysteries.

African wild dog inspecting a research camera trap, Kalahari

How Camera Traps Transform Conservation

Camera traps capture a caracal during the day, Kalahari Reserve
African wild dog pup playfully holding part of a broken camera trap, Kalahari

Camera Traps in Action: Our Key Projects

Be Part of the Conservation Team

The Mission

We need your help to manage camera traps across 240,000 acres of Kalahari bush. This is a hands-on conservation adventure!

What You’ll Do

Deploy camera traps at strategic locations, collect data, and analyze the incredible footage captured. Your efforts directly impact our wildlife research and conservation plans.

Making a Difference

Your time and dedication contribute to the long-term health of Kalahari ecosystems, ensuring a future for its remarkable wildlife.

Ready to start your Kalahari camera trap Conservation Safari? Contact us today!
More questions, read our FAQs
or our Testimonials.

Your Camera Trap Questions Answered

What kind of animals will I see on the footage?

Khamab Kalahari Reserve never disappoints! Expect to see iconic predators like lions, leopards, cheetahs, and African wild dogs. But don’t forget the amazing supporting cast: zebras, giraffes, antelopes, hyenas, nocturnal creatures like porcupines and bat-eared foxes, even elusive aardvarks – the possibilities are endless.

How does camera trap data help Kalahari conservation?

Camera traps are like puzzle pieces for ecological management. They help us:

  • Count Animals: Identify trends for each species living in the reserve, to ascertain whether those populations are stable, growing, or in trouble.
  • Track Movements: See where animals travel, revealing important areas to manage.

Can I participate in camera trap research even if I’m not an experienced scientist?

Absolutely! Citizen scientists are the backbone of our camera trap project. We’ll provide the training and tools. You bring your passion and adventurous spirit. Your enthusiasm and help with data collection are indispensable for our conservation success.

Become a Kalahari conservation explorer! Join our camera trap project and help shape the future of this extraordinary ecosystem.

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