Kalahari Safari

Discover the Kalahari’s secrets and help protect its iconic wildlife.

Experience the Kalahari

Witness incredible wildlife and contribute to ongoing research today.

Exclusive Kalahari Access

Explore a vast reserve with limited guests for exceptional wildlife encounters.

Your Impact Matters

Contribute to vital research on your unforgettable Kalahari safari.

Beyond Wildlife Watching

Immerse in hands-on conservation on a life-changing Kalahari safari.

Kalahari Safari: Immerse, Discover, and Contribute to Conservation

Exclusivity and Impact of Our Kalahari Safari Desert

Forget crowded game drives and rushed wildlife sightings. Your Kalahari safari with Working With Wildlife offers an unparalleled journey where you become an active participant in vital conservation efforts, uncovering the secrets of this extraordinary ecosystem. Experience the Kalahari’s untouched wilderness with exclusive access, leaving a positive footprint on its fragile environment.

Immerse yourself in a landscape teeming with life, where your presence directly contributes to the protection of endangered species. Witness the struggle for survival and develop a deeper bond with the Kalahari’s wild heart, knowing your participation fuels vital conservation work.

Wildlife Kalahari Safari Conservation Experience
Oryx walking on Kalahari calcrete pan, elephant in the distance

Kalahari Safari South Africa – Beyond the Ordinary

Embrace the Wild

Explore a vast 96,400-hectare (240,000-acre) private reserve in the heart of the Kalahari, home to iconic species like the black-maned lion, elusive African wild dog, majestic cheetah, and the world’s most poached mammal, the pangolin. With limited guests and exclusive access, you’ll relish uninterrupted wildlife encounters in our open game viewing vehicles, getting closer to the action than ever before on a traditional Kalahari safari. Discover the raw beauty of the Kalahari and witness true conservation in action.

Conservation at Your Fingertips

This Kalahari safari isn’t just about watching wildlife – it’s about actively protecting it. Alongside our research team, take part in essential conservation work:

Predator Monitoring

Pangolin Monitoring

Game Counts

Guests on a game viewing vehicle observing African wild dogs, Kalahari Reserve.
Kalahari Safari sees a ground pangolin photo on the animal crossing the road

Conservation at Your Fingertips

Predator Monitoring

Pangolin Monitoring

Game Counts

Guests on a game viewing vehicle observing African wild dogs, Kalahari Reserve.
Kalahari Safari sees a ground pangolin photo on the animal crossing the road

Kalahari Safari Animals (Africa Big 5) – Unforgettable Encounters

Experience a Kalahari safari that goes beyond wildlife viewing. Become a conservation partner on South Africa’s largest private big-5 reserve, Khamab Kalahari Reserve. Track endangered species like African wild dogs, cheetahs, and pangolins, contribute to hands-on research, and even assist in anti-poaching efforts. This is a Kalahari Conservation Safari for wildlife research – an authentic, impactful adventure in a remote, untamed African ecosystem.

Your Kalahari safari becomes a personal journey of discovery. Witness the thrill of a cheetah hunt, the playful nature of African wild dogs, or the cautious movements of a pangolin foraging at dusk. Every sighting contributes to the greater scientific understanding while leaving you in awe of the Kalahari’s resilience.

African wild dog inspecting a research camera trap, Kalahari
Guests kneeling in Kalahari grassland, conducting a plant survey

Camera Traps

Anti-Poaching Efforts

Vegetation Surveys

African wild dog inspecting a research camera trap, Kalahari
Guests kneeling in Kalahari grassland, conducting a plant survey

Camera Traps

Anti-Poaching Efforts

Vegetation Surveys

The Kalahari: A Unique Wilderness

Harsh Beauty

Witness the Kalahari’s stark beauty – iconic pans, ancient camelthorn trees, and the resilience of desert-adapted wildlife. Discover a land sculpted by extremes, where every sighting tells a story of survival. Learn how the Kalahari’s harshness shapes unique adaptations, fostering a tenacious web of life.

Desert Specialists

As you embark on your Kalahari safari, be amazed by wildlife perfectly suited to this dynamic environment. Observe gemsbok with their ability to regulate body temperature, meerkats with their social teamwork, and the nocturnal brown hyena, a master scavenger of the Kalahari. Learn the incredible strategies these creatures employ to thrive in one of Africa’s most challenging landscapes.

Nights Under the Stars

With minimal light pollution, the Kalahari unveils a celestial wonder unlike any other. Your Kalahari safari transforms into an astronomical journey as you witness the brilliance of the Milky Way and the Southern Cross, an unforgettable Kalahari safari experience in this Bortle level 1 dark zone. Gaze at the stars and let the boundless Kalahari sky ignite your imagination.

Ephemeral Wonders

The Kalahari holds hidden surprises. After the summer rains, carpets of vibrant wildflowers transform the desert, attracting a burst of insect life and migrating birds. This temporary oasis highlights the delicate balance of the ecosystem and the stark contrast between the Kalahari’s dry and wet seasons.

Your Conservation Impact

African wild dog with playful puppies, Kalahari Safari
Guests on a research vehicle observe cheetahs resting beside them, Kalahari
Wildebeest, eland, rhino, and giraffes gather at a Kalahari waterhole

Data Driven Results

Frontline Conservation

A Legacy of Protection

Ripple Effect

Your Conservation Impact

African wild dog with playful puppies, Kalahari Safari
Guests on a research vehicle observe cheetahs resting beside them, Kalahari
Wildebeest, eland, rhino, and giraffes gather at a Kalahari waterhole

Data Driven Results

Frontline Conservation

A Legacy of Protection

Ripple Effect

Live in Harmony with Wilderness

Rejuvenate in Comfort

After a day of adventure in the Kalahari, unwind in our comfortable camp. Embrace in our low-impact spacious accommodation that blends seamlessly with the desert surroundings. Enjoy good food, hot showers, uncapped Wi-Fi, and the quiet solitude of the Kalahari after an impactful day in the field.

Small Groups, Big Experiences

With a maximum of only 8 guests in camp, your Kalahari safari maintains a sense of exclusivity and intimacy thereby enhancing your wildlife viewing and creating lasting camaraderie with other like-minded adventurers as you discover the Kalahari’s hidden wonders.

A Place to Recharge

The Kalahari’s solitude offers a rare opportunity for self-reflection. Find tranquility in quiet moments, whether it’s stargazing, reading on a hammock, or simply absorbing the vastness of the landscape. Return home rejuvenated, inspired, and forever connected to the wild spirit of the Kalahari.

Exclusive group on a Kalahari safari

Our Kalahari Safari Home

Queen bed inside a luxury tented camp, Kalahari Desert
Queen bed in luxury tented camp with glass doors overlooking the Kalahari
Kalahari Safari Map - Where this conservation safari is situated

FAQ – Your Kalahari Safari Questions

Discover the profound impact of a Kalahari safari with purpose. Join Working With Wildlife and contribute to preserving Africa’s extraordinary wildlife.

If you would like to experience the Kalahari differently from just a normal safari, this is the place to go.

Here you get the opportunity to see and assist in some of the “behind the scenes” activities and management actions that are needed to make a reserve function.

However, you don’t just sit on a vehicle, you are expected to assist in some of the hands-on work that needs to be done.

And because some work are done on foot, you get closer to the small things that you would otherwise not see from a vehicle.

Gary and Edyta are the perfect hosts, and in their comfortable camp you are made to feel completely at home.

Their passion for their project is infectious, which result in wonderful fireside discussions on conservation in general, but also more in depth chats about all the realities of making a game reserve a success.

The remoteness of the reserve takes you away from everyday realities, and the isolation allows you to find an inner peace few other places can give.

This experience leaves you with a completely different perspective.


I was fortunate enough to spend 3 nights staying with Working with Wildlife recently.

I am a professional field guide, but had no idea what to expect from their location.

I was totally blown away by how much vegetation there was, and also by the exciting and plentiful game viewing we had. Such a treat to see so many of the species not found in other areas of South Africa.

I saw my very first Cape Fox, and many new bird species. I was blow away but all of the mammal species caught on their camera trap, from bat-eared fox to huge Kalahari male lions, and everything else in between.

Their newly built camp was well organised, and the safari tent was really comfortable and immaculate.

It was such a joy to be in such a remote, secluded location. It made me feel really special, and I could have happily spent much longer exploring the area with Gary, who was really knowledgeable about all of the local species.

This is an amazing initiative and I would highly recommend a stay to anyone that enjoys nature, especially if they want to do something a bit different, while also playing an important role in African conservation.

– Kelly Oldaker

Wow – I cannot recommend Working With Wildlife enough! What an extraordinary setting (the wildlife!), what extraordinary people and what incredible experiences! I don’t know of another location where one can get such hands-on insights to conservation (the amazing as well as the realistic truths about conservation) while also having a truly enjoyable, down-to-earth eco-tourism experience.

Gary and Edyta are an enchanting combination of knowledgeable and humble, and I really miss the invaluable fire-side chats late into the night as well as the many laughs. Despite several years of exposure to the conservation industry in South Africa, I have never quite seen a camp like the one for Working With Wildlife – I still don’t know how they pull it off because it’s truly unique: a space that fits intimately and seamlessly into the landscape and is also exquisitely comfortable?! Not to mention the baking and cooking that Edyta somehow magically produces from such a remote location…

I really hope that anyone and everyone who is truly interested in understanding conservation in Africa spends time with Working with Wildlife (you won’t regret it, trust me). Experiences like that simply build better people and goodness knows that the conservation world needs good people!

Marike Louw-Voysey

Our Location

Wide-angle shot of 24 African wild dogs and 5 white rhinos drinking together at a waterhole under a colorful purple sunset.
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